Because i am doing so many graphs and presentations of thesis results, i have decided to do a more valuable study to mankind than my self-indulgent chess stuff. I hereby present the results.It was found that guys expressed words of love to their female partners a mean 495 times a week. Such expressions included lines like 'Your hair nice what', 'No dear, you do not need to lose more weight' and 'Yes, of course you need that new pair of shoes.' Similarly, female partners told their boyfriends that the latter do not say enough 'i love you-s' to them an average of 437.5 times a week. Such sentences encompass examples: 'Why you do not care about me!', 'Why you do not care about me!, you think i am fat right?' and ''Why you do not care about me !, i need a new pair of shoes'.
The difference in mean times men said they loved their girfriends vs the number of times the girlfriends demanded otherwise did not reach statistical significance (t = 0.574, p > 0.05). In conclusion, based on these findings, girlfriends should remember how much their boyfriends love them and stop complaining about non-existent 'facts'.
Acknowledgements to the couples who agreed to take part in this study for free. Your data is invaluable to relationships around the world.
P.S. In no way is this study aimed at my personal life. As a researcher, i must be un-biased and objective. This study is dedicated to all men anywhere in the world who suffer. May you remember to be nice to your other halves. And may they remember to do the same. Or just remember things.