Saturday, July 28, 2007

Life is boring without soccer.

Here is my prediction for who will win the English Premiere League next season. Its a real stab in the dark as 38 games is a long time and many things can happen from now till then. To name a few would be stuff like injuries to key players and the January transfer window could be telling.
Anyway, i have to think that Chelsea will claim the league next season. Despite all the spendings by the ManUre and Pool, i feel Chelsea really want to win it back. There isnt much of a difference in squad level frankly. Utd have bought young players to replace Scholes and Giggs in the future and Liverpool have addressed their lack of goals, but Chelsea have already spent 100s of millions building this side.
New signing to watch: Florent Malouda. I think he is an un-typical type of winger. Very suited to Chelsea's style of play. Not exceptionally fast but superb technically and Mourinho will use him properly. Chelsea are an effective side and Malouda i feel, is an ideal signing for them.
Player they missed last season: Joe Cole. Out for most of the season, they need his sneakiness once again and clever movement and passing.
Dont count out: Pizzaro and Shevcenko. I think its not totally wise to come to the English game at the wrong side of 30 but Pizzaro is a different sort of striker from Drogba and Shev, and should prove useful. Shev probably cant do any worse than last season so i think he will reach double figures in league goals this season.
My prediction may fail if: Chelsea start selling fringe players like Wright-Phillips, Robben, Ballack and Diarra. Many players linked with moves but i think Chelsea need to keep them to rotate the squad for the 60+ games in their season and provide good competition within the squad. They have the money anyway.
I will probably get creamed next May. HAHA.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Sigh.. I used to be a hardcore chelsea fan.. but i became more and more disconnected from them and then now i'm so outdated and i dont know what's happening to them haha.
but i'll always be a chelsea fan!!
Go Chelsea!! =P

July 30, 2007 5:56 PM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

Maybe thats because you fell in love with a guy that plays for West Coast Eagles. HAHA.

July 30, 2007 6:40 PM  

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