Saturday, July 07, 2007


Was in a shopping mall with Louise because in Singapore everywhere we turn are shopping centres anyway. We decided to come up with 3 things that are the worse to buy as window shopping items. This means if you just walk around without having anything to buy in particular but come home with certain purchases i.e. wasting time & money.
Number 3 of the worse thing to buy while window shopping -- A Penguin-shaped water dispenser from Mini Toons. Its kind of cute but only plays on recent animated movies and lets face it who really needs a water dispenser to take up any more space? Its not even as convenient as a water bottle or a water cooler.
Number 2 is an I Gallop! from Osim. Not only does its function look dodgy, its health benefits are mainly related to Laughter as the best medicine. Its probably terrible for your back if you ask me.
And the Winner #1 is A HAHA Crab. A pet Hermit Crab that cost $25 and lives for a reported 25 years!! Thats only $1 for a year. WOW. What a great pet that will greet you everytime you come home and is so nice to touch. Not to mention its cute hand-painted shell. Probably male crabs can have a soccer themed shell while females have pinkish red patterns. Now thats a great way to determine their gender dont you think? As a special offer you can get a whole habitat with 2 crabs for $65. This includes a COCO-hut which is made of coconut husk for them to stay. And a sea shell to act as a feeding tray. Need i say more? A crab that stays in a shell staying in a coconut. A great buy as long as you are into tarantulas, which kind of look the same.


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