Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nokia is not Japanese.
Following the Transformers movie i think more people will know what the title is talking about. There is a scene in the movie where it addresses this common misconception that Nokia is from Japan. In fact it is from Finland. It is strange though that people feel that the brand sounds Japanese. Maybe the company did it on purpose and thats why its so popular. HAHA.
Having said that, i always wondered why the dictionary function in my phone is so weird. Everytime i type sms-es and use this function there seem to be irrelevant words appearing. Anyone knows why this is the case? Like i recently had to save the acronym BBQ (2-2-1 on the number pad). But as i was scrolling through the dictionary options there was acceptable ones first like 'car', 'bar', & 'cap' but then followed strange alien language like 'bas', 'cas','acq', 'abs' (this could be ok if you are a car salesman but somehow its doubtful), 'acr', 'abr', 'bap', & last but not least, 'aar'!! Which summed up my feelings at that time. ARGH!! Does the phone just come up with its dictionary words randomly? Its rather frustrating that after all that scrolling there wasnt a 'bbq'.
I am sure other people have had their fair share of nonsense words. And thats why people upgrade their phones. HAHA. Wonder if newer phones still have the alien dictionary. The worst part is i cant blame the poor English of the Japanese.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

It's like how Hagen Daz is actually American yet people think its Swedish or some other European brand. When in fact, they deliberately named themselves that way to be different from Ben and Jerry's!

July 11, 2007 3:20 PM  

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