Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Land Under the Bed

So i have returned to Aust. For my final semester. Somehow, it feels sad but rewarding too that its finally coming to an end. All the studying will sooner make my brain explode.
When i turned on the TV today, however, i smiled. I will miss those really stupid Australian love adverts. You know those you call in to meet some sexy chick? I know there are really lonely people who do it. But everyone knows its cheating money. The people on the other side are probably not young girls anyway. It might even be me faking a female voice. Beware! Dont say i didnt warn you.
But this one really takes the prize. Sms you and your partner's name and they will give you a compatability rating. ARE YOU SERIOUS? Do people actually fall for this? What do they actually do? Cross out the vowels and if the remaining consonants are of an odd number, you two make an odd couple? Apparently on the advert the rating is upon 100, i bet its random. If you really feel the urge to do this test, call me instead. I charge half of what they advertise. And i have a magic crystal ball from a 8th dimension known as esnes nommoc.


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