Grade Please.
Basically, people study pauses in speech as a marker of fluency. However, there are short and long pauses and they all subjective to individual speakers. So tradition (arnd 40 years) has just given some arbitary value of less than 200 millisecs to be pauses that are irrelevant to speech analysis (grossly summarised).
Come along a new objective method. Which was devised by my lecturer or adopted shall we say. Where individual speech is assessed by log-normal distributions (mathematical function). Two curves can now be seen that can be split into short and long pauses and can take the criterion (in between as the threshold -- also grossly summarised) to individual differences in pauses. So that everyone has a unique level as to which pauses are deemed appropriate for analysis.
Should ask my lecturer to mark my blog. Although i cant help feeling he did something wrong in SPSS (stats package) and then found something (Taiko aka fluke). hahahaha. Ok la.. i guess he is just more brilliant then me. Must give credit to UWA profs. We have nobel prize winners ok??
I should find something to log. Log cake.