Monday, August 14, 2006

And the NEW WINNER IS!!.......

DERREL!! I am sorry man, its really quite exaggeratedly funny.
As my name starts with AB, it is likely that people who dial me on their handphones sometimes do so by mistake. To prevent this from happening to anybody i think everyone shld get to know an Aaron or just save a ficticious contact as the first name. Also i think its Nokia phones which are SO user-friendly that if u keep pressing the dial button enough times, it sends the sms to the first contact. Pain for me i guess.
However, this morning my friend Derrel so kindly sms-ed my 58 times!! it might be 60 but i think i deleted 2. But anyway, it was irritating at first. But after a while i was telling Louise on MSN i was hoping it hit 3 digits. HAHA. I think all the beeping was good too in the sense that Charles managed to get up because of it. Cannot really be sure it was because of this but yes a incredible 58 times~!!!. That will take some beating. Hope he is not on some pre-paid plan though cos if an sms costs 25 cents then he spent arnd $15 nagging me "ok bye. Cya."

Sunday, August 06, 2006


I was recently informed by Louise that the next contestant outsted from Singapore Idol is Jay. Yes the one that seems to cry a lot. Or at every juncture. Whether happy or sad.
I was suggesting that he should sing the song "One last cry". HAHA. But apparently he didnt cry this time. Talk about crying at the wrong times. When he is really really confirm guarantee out he doesnt cry. Oh well. Maybe it was onions.
And for the record i think Paul Twohill is really poser man. I dont believe people actually find the hair flicking cool.?! It almost looks dangerous for the neck the way he does it.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

If It's God's Will, Who Gets The Money??

Thanks goes out to Mark for giving me the book, Armageddon the Musical, by Robet Rankin. Yes its not really biblical and a bit satirical. But then again most ppl are complaining about the Da Vinci Code anyway. Besides, dark humour has always made me happy. And its not like the book was meant to be a piece of Truth. Just looking at the names of characters will make that rather clear.
So besides the title, which truthfully, i took some time to understand. HAHAHA. Read it again if you dont get it.
I also found this phrase quite funny.

" Mungo Madoc seated himself before the assembly and examined the faces to gauge the expressions thereupon. Satisfied that, as ever, deceit and treachery numbered among his board's most noble qualities, he smiled wanly and began to speak. "

Its good to read hilarious novels instead of serious textbooks all the time.

Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning burning burning.