Saturday, February 25, 2006

Pink Panther Is Really Pink

I wonder if anyone has heard that really dumb joke that goes " What did Pink Panther say when he stepped on an ant?"
Ans: dead-ant, dead-ant, dead-ant, dead-ant dead-ant dead-ant dead-ant. (Sing the Pink Panther tune).
Actually, this answer does not make sense, cos Pink Panther does not talk.
Except in the movie of course starring Steve Martin -- which by the way i have no intention of watching. Its just a bit too slapstick for me. Although Zoolander with its lame jokes was really funny. It could also be due to it recently being unbanned. hahaha.
Anyway, i was travelling from Yio Chu Kang to Clementi the other day and was looking at the in-train television screen. Unfortunately, all they screened was the advert (peeks) of Pink Panther 2. Which lasted approx 1 min. They screened this over and over and over. It was highly irritating. Lucky for them, the sound is always turned down, or i am certain someone would have smashed the television then.
Having said that, after watching it for like 10 times ,(non-continuously of course, i just happen to sit in an ideal spot for my eyes to keep glancing back at the screen) i scrutinised the advert and found 3 revelations that you might not have known about this short clip.
One, the part where the giant globe rolls in front of the cyclists is a bit fake, cos they break fall so nicely (obviously all stuntmen), as well as they look really prepared for the thing to come rolling in front of them -- of course they are. Its makes the scene quite duh!
Two, after Steve Martin falls from the room onto the reception table, (it is obviously another stuntman and Steve is just waiting by crouching behind -- the two guest onlookers also seem rather calm considering the roof just caved in.) he stands up, then notice the lamp after he presses the bell. It actually goes out or kind of short-circuits cos the room was in the first place flooded and water comes pouring down too. Rather interesting detail.
Three, Pink Panther 2 looks like a really bad show. Please do not watch it.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

yep. Not even if it later comes on on TV no waay-Lou

February 25, 2006 10:02 AM  
Blogger michelle said disgustingly...

haha! I just watched it last weekend. Yes it is quite slapstick and all, but it was for a good laugh lah. There was actually a plot and a twist..not bad. I like the part where it included the chinese old woman being interrogated. heh.

February 25, 2006 2:42 PM  
Blogger t said disgustingly...

hahaa.. you gave a whole movie review based on a TRAILER?!?!?!!?!??!!!

Casanova is quite funny though. Anyway, what's with the recent trend of damnifying the Church, every book, movie I've read seems to poke fun at the Catholic church. 'Da Vinci Code', 'Angels and Demons', 'The Labyrith', 'The Food Taster', even the 'Name of the Rose' and 'Casanova'.. hahaa..

February 25, 2006 6:29 PM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

You havnt read The Main Line French , 3.Nc3 yet. Super never poke fun at the church man.. You shld read that for a change. hahahahha.

February 27, 2006 6:28 PM  
Blogger t said disgustingly...

Everyone, this is a person who watches Asterix and Obelix in the cinemas as well as Battlefield Earth. Please do not trust his taste in movies.

March 04, 2006 5:01 AM  

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