Friday, February 17, 2006

We frequently...

I was reading this book lately called "More than words -- contemporary writers on the works that shaped them. " I really liked it a lot and i recommend it strongly to those who like reading. It is basically modern writers talking about their walk with God and how other writers were inspirational to them and how God used even secular writers to influence their faith. I think what made me like it most is because there were many snippets of REALLY meaningful passages as the authors try to summarise their most touching moments. I am seriously not the soppy type but i must say some of the paragraphs were truly heartfelt and remarkable.
Its edited by Philip Yancey by the way and he also talks about his love for John Donne's writing and explains how it shapes his focus on pain and suffering in walking with Christ.
"Give me O Lord, a fear, of which i may not be afraid." This was written by Donne in his book of devotions and Yancey expounds on it in 3 pages that really touched me. Its really hard to summarise this passage from pg 119. However, basically its showing that Donne was really sick and he finally realised that the world has everything for us to be afraid of. He thus concludes that his best course is to cultivate a proper fear of the Lord.
I think the chapter on Ray Bradbury, the science fiction writer is also good. The author Calvin Miller cites 3 reasons for reading Bradbury while growing up -- besides being highly excited in the adventures. One -- to celebrate art. Two -- to broaden his understanding, three --to escape the heaviness of the moment and four -- to believe in a better world. While reading this, i could not help but think that the first 3 reasons are exactly why i play chess. HAHAHA. Although i never really put in down in so many words. And the fourth reason is why i read books like the one i just reviewed, making me happier and more equipped to face the world, knowing that its not only dogmatic Christian principles that God can use to make us stronger.

Cont from title ... dont see in life what we havent first seen in art. Robert Browning


Blogger bj said disgustingly...

heh havent been doin the blogging thing for awhile (visitin and reading) so this comment is a bit late i KnOW.
ya i love the stuff in Philip Yancey's books too! most recently, was reading Soul Survivor n its sooo good. talks about various individuals (not necessarily Christians) also n the inspiring things theyve done and said. Even wrote out a whole passage from the book by Tolstoy n had it framed on my desk. quick go get it if you haven't already!

March 12, 2006 3:47 AM  

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