Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I was having some conversations with my friends lately, as well as reading the papers and i was thinking "Man, the world is really screwed up, why are people so stupid sometimes." (Yes, unfortunately, i am sometimes as blunt in thoughts as in words).
Then, i happened to be reading an Old Testament Commentary on Amos and Hosea and came across this verse in Hosea 7:11. "Ephraim is like a dove, silly and without sense, calling to Egypt, going to Assyria (Instead of God). " ESV -- English Standard Version. Ephriam here refers to the northern Kingdom of Israel, the NLT translation translates 'Ephraim' into 'the people of Isreal'.
The commentary by Alec Motyer goes on to explain that the root of the ills of the people of God lie in them failing to grasp the knowledge of God. Or having grasped, forsake it. Kind of interesting i thought if applied to modern society. See also Hosea 7:9 on what Motyer calls a unacknowledged aging process.
I think the whole book must be read in context but my whole point is this : How to teach wisdom (which is different from 'worldly knowledge' as used by me here) -- to a world without God? Sometimes we are taught to trust our feelings in some matters. Then others say using your head is just as important or more crucial at other times.
Kind of a sad thought for Valentines Day, but then again, Hosea's analogy of his 'wife of whoredom' (1:2 and to the end for reconciliation and argument completion sake) is solemn and a good reminder to the analogy of God's love to a people that have chosen a different path

"He waited another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark. And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth." Genesis 8:10-11


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