Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Fair and Well, Canada

The times of certain posts as shown at the bottom of blog entries were mostly confusing when i was in Canada. This was due to the fact that i was at first 12 hours ahead and then 13 hours, after daylight savings in winter. However, you will notice that my 530am post here is because of jet lag - sleeping too early.
Anyway, just to close the chapter on Canada, i have posted a photo taken in Toronto of the city and a monument at the side. The sign at the front reads 'Please mind your step' with accompanying French. Kind of a nice reminder to people leaving the place; as well as those still treading in it.
On another note, Louise bought me Lynn Truss' book 'Eats shoots and leaves' and i found it highly interesting. Thus i have vowed to use more dashes and semicolons in my writing because the comma is overworked. I realised though, that although i do not put apostrophes in the wrong places most times (her example being 'book's'); i am not entirely clear if i use my commas correctly either. But i have made my new year resolution to try. Although i have this irksome feeling that [Truss'] should instead be [Truss's]. I shall go back to the book to refer. Have a good year everyone.
P.s. my handphone number is the same one. If you have discarded it or changed your phone without writing my contact down somewhere, shame on you. Also, drop me an email or msn and i will give it to you -- after subjecting you to a variety of insults.


Blogger michelle said disgustingly...

'Eats shoots and leaves'..hmm.. believe it or not, I'm a sad case cos the only way I knew about that phrase was through a common joke. What's that book about? Can I borrow?

January 05, 2006 3:06 PM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

Its based on the joke of the panda in the restaurant la. Thats why she stresses that punctuation is important. Yes you can sure borrow it.

January 05, 2006 5:30 PM  
Blogger michelle said disgustingly...

oh really? haha.. k then I'm not so sad case after all.
Aye we're supposed to meet up..what happened? now I'm gonna starting school already.. must book me ah.. Louise is most welcomed to come along!

January 08, 2006 9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

I think it's Truss'. Like Caris'

- Louise's

January 26, 2006 9:48 AM  

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