Friday, November 25, 2005

The meaning of life ... (maybe not)

I was just thinking of my blog address being magnetic wood and i wonder how many people actually know the reason for it? I hope Louise does though cos she kind of made it redundant. haha.
Well magnetic wood in fact refers to magnetic wooden chess sets. It just so happens that i find them really cool. There are always magnetic sets with flat "reversi" like pieces but that takes away a bit of the thrill. Furthermore, i think they are also very practical cos chess pieces tend to topple here and there. So for my last bday, Louise kindly bought me one. Of course she knew i wanted it but STILL its really nice. I never did manage to coax her into telling me how much it cost though.
The strange thing is.. its so nice that its been attracting spiders and frogs on it. Maybe insects and amphibians think chess is fun too. Having typed all that i sort of feel and vaguely remember that i posted about this b4? Is my memory really failing me? haha. Comments pls?!


Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

eh, those things are obviously fake! gosh. ya u never posted abt it. and my memory doesn't fail me. not yet though.

November 26, 2005 5:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Nopes... I don't think you have posted this before, and yerps. Chess set is very expensive. haha..
No lah. It was worth the money (I hope), considering that there is always something fascinating about magnetic things or people.-Lou

November 26, 2005 6:27 PM  

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