Monday, November 21, 2005

Snow is Grimy

My friend recently remarked to me that snow is only nice when you are indoors. This is because when it melts it gets dirty and messy and it also makes pavements slippery. And its hazardous to cars as well. Not to mention that a lot of people have to waste time and energy shovelling the stuff.
Thus i guess that one night of snow was good. Cos the next morning when i woke up it was all gone. Well, not that i really mind, i kept getting snow thrown at me. Which is another reason why snow should fall less now that we have taken the photos we wanted.
The big blobs of snow that appeared in the photos made me think that they looked kind of like strange organisms. Which explains why i classified snow as 'falling zoo plankton from the sky" with my MSN nick. Apparently, this is in fact just a single word "zooplankton" and is one of the functional groups of plankton. You can read more here : but be warned, its very scientifically- informationally overloading.


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