Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Cold + Wet = Hibernation mode

Unlike people in Perth who are going through the onset of 35 degree summers now, its getting really wet and cold in Kingston, Ontario. Just as an aside, what do you call people from Perth? Perthlings?, Perthlites (too much like cigarettes), Pertharians ( this just sounds embarrassing), Perthologists?, Perthies ( Not really that many hippies), oh well i guess its Western Australians.
And the gloomy weather has got me thinking of the movie "March of the Penguins". I think it was an excellent documentary. But i guess that is just it -- its a documentary. Frankly, i dont think its that novel if you do watch animal documentaries in your life. Ok, maybe penguins are cute and kind of clumsy looking and the story line tried to make it seem that love crosses all bounds : which always gets people getting all hyped up about the greatness of the human race. Which is kind of ironic to me, considering we need to be reminded of love from flightless birds.
But i really felt funny that it was considered to be SO good when it seemed to be a normal documentary in some sense. Maybe its Morgan Freeman's voice. Or the intrepid explorers and photographers surviving the cold. However, i guess the bottom line is that people should watch more documentaries. Most of the techniques in the film are not new definitely. The strange walking of penguins got AaaWwwws from the audience and maybe the penguin slipping on ice was comic relief. I do believe many other animal documentaries encompass some elements of such things too. In some sense i enjoyed the film a lot, it was highly informative and intriguing, though i must say i was slightly disappointed that it was merely a documentary.
I wonder if people only know David Attenborough for his role in Jurassic Park. haha.


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