Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Quebec City

Visited Quebec City in the weekend, which is around 6 hours bus ride away from where i study. Really historical town where the French and English fought violently over the New World. Montcalm and Woolfe if you interested in military history. They both died in the final battle. War -- losers all round. Back to modern day Quebec -- it is still French speaking which is kind of romantic in the stereotypical way.
Basically the only French i spoke was acquired from Lonely Planet: "Pardon, parlez vous Anglais?" which means "Sorry, do you speak English?" It was supposed to be less rude, although we did hear an Australian making a innocent joke on a long distant phone call.
(Exaggerated Aussie slang) "Pardon, parlez vous Anglais mate". Which means we Singaporeans should do something like "huh? Gong simi? Parlez vous Anglais or not?"
All the eating in interesting places (Lonely Planet had some really good recommendations i must admit -- although not every country/location it reviews is of the same quality sadly.), had me really missing Louise. Somehow when you hear people speaking in French you just feel strangely romanticized. haha. I would have liked to have her share my rabbit dish, (its hunted in this part of the world apparently -- dont be too upset k Uncle Ivan and Michelle Nai, hehe, i am sure they are not as cute as the ones we tend to see displayed on popular discourses) with her. Not sure if you would want to though dear, escargots maybe? I must frankly admit though that rabbit taste a bit like Tuna.
Having seen that many popular blogs ( and i shall not name them here) use photoshop as a means of getting people's attention, i have attempted my own photoshop rendevous (since we in the habit of French now). The photos which are only partly coloured symbolise the absence of a part of me in Quebec. I have not made any attempt to hide or disguise my looks in any way during this exercise as most photoshop users are in the habit of doing. God made me as His wonderful creation and He also gave me someone to love me just as i am, even though she wasnt in the pictures this time around. And sincerely i think thats more beautiful then anything photoshop can do.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Awww... agreed. And not only more beautiful but more true too. (as oppose to fake)-Lou

November 17, 2005 9:59 AM  
Blogger Eunice said disgustingly...

Awww...So sweet...Quebec was indeed a lovely place. Go again...Anyway, the Singlish French was a good laugh. And rabbit meat was not!

November 17, 2005 8:59 PM  

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