Thursday, November 17, 2005

Moisturizer or Moisturizing Lotion?

Speaking of movies that i have just watched or watched here in Canada, i managed to rent the DVD "Napoleon Dynamite". I must admit i found it incredibly funny. But i must warn you i have extremely lame and warped sense of humour. Its also an independent films kind of production so special effects people beware. I am really biased in supporting films that start out as a low budget thing but try hard to make their show different, but i thought ND was really strangly cool. Its really hard to compete with the big guns in show business i guess, even the actors face an uphill task in getting noticed i am sure. So considering the curcumstances i was definitely more than satisfied. Its more of the Naked Gun, Hot Shots genre i guess. If anyone out there has seen it i would love to hear what others have to say about the film. I did hear it received quite favourable reviews but i can also emphatize with people who would absolutely detest such a show. Would like to hear why you hated it as well. Dont worry, Arts students tend to consider both sides of a story. To a certain degree.
Well, moving on in the show business world; did you hear that Jessica Simpson is trying to become an entrepenuer with edible beauty products? No joke and no! i do not read thrashy magazines at all but i was kindly informed by my Sociology lecturer. Who has really dark humour (yummy) which is kind of peculiar to Englishmen. This is what he said (to a certain degree inexact) " After this, our culture will be to go to the toilet for meals and be very sure to arrange the cosmetics into two areas -- one that is poisonous and one that is edible." hahaha.
Still dont believe me? I think most girls would have read it in some fashion magazine by now but you can check out the whole RANGE here at I hear some of you people scribbling something down on your Christmas list?


Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

Hm.. i always thot of leaving stubble and looking like Aragon. haha. sorry lame. Who is this btw? I apologise if i am supposed to know. I do tend to describe myself as idiosyncratic sometimes but its too much of a mouthful haha.
You shld leave a link to your blog ya? Anyone who bothers to read mine must have some interesting blog ideas. I have no idea if thats a compliment or an insult but it might be true.

November 19, 2005 4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

you actually liked Napoleon Dynamite?! oh yes, you do have a lame and extremely warped sense of humour.

My favourite part of the movie was the opening credits and realising that they used all the food in the opening credits in the movie itself.
And my fascination ended there.

November 19, 2005 2:17 PM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

Hello Mr. Bear. haha. All the best for your exams. MCQs are ok i think, we trained so much doing ten year series remember? haha.
Oh ya, the food and the credits was indeed quite interesting marianne.

November 19, 2005 11:50 PM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

hha i noe this is out of point, but i never really liked jessica simpson to begin with.

November 21, 2005 12:46 AM  

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