Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Its been awhile

Apologies go out to everyone who checks if i updated my blog. Which due to exams has been really tough. Anyway, its been a really bad week for me cos i had to hand in 2 major essays and had 2 exams in 6 days. And the 2 papers were the worse 2 out of my four exams. And i take 5 subjects. Which is why God has been really good this week.
I must admit i wasnt really prepared for the papers but i went for most of the lectures so i was just spotting what i felt he emphasized. It was quite amazing really. I was joking with my friend jason on what i thot would come out in the exam and i said " Zajonc studied with cockroaches to prove what theory?" And we all had a good laugh. Guess what? It was the first MCQ. I was almost in shock. But i felt really calm after that, cos i knew that God had answered my prayers and even though i wasnt the best humanly possibly prepared, he was there with me. There was a 15 mark short answer which during my study i just felt was going to come out and its the first time i really knew how to do the most marks SAQ in all the tests. hahha. Furthermore, there was a chapter i read only 3 pages and the only question that came out from that chapter was in those 3 pages. And knowing me i just love irrelevant stuff that usually doesnt come out in exams like why is group brainstorming not as good as it is made out to be.. And there was a SAQ asking to list the 4 points. Truly quite happy that it was so clear God was helping me. Thanks to all who prayed.
And my other psych paper 2 days ago was even better. I just handed in an essay on friday and my paper was on sat. Wasnt the most confident again cos this paper was less structured. And lo and behold, there were 2 copies of the paper made so that ppl sitting together cannot copy. I still do not understand the space constraints issue but anyway.. Due to admin error, one of the papers was exactly the same as last years one and not an original exam. And guess which one i got. haha. Amazingly again, i had did the past year paper -- which isnt true for all subjects and i just happened to sit on the one with last yr's paper. ( although half the students did). So they are still trying to figure out how best to adjust the marks now, but i was quite relieved that i wasnt going to fail the paper. Cos some of the questions they ask tend to be super obscure. haha.
Anyway, i shld get back to studying. And i have watched Narnia already but found it a bit too soppy. I am cold-hearted at times however. I just thot they kept trying to make the audience cry. But the special effects and the acting was quite cool. Laters then.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Glad to hear you're surviving well...

You've watched Narnia? argh. I want to watch Narnia!

December 13, 2005 6:12 PM  
Blogger Eunice said disgustingly...

Yes, I have been checking your blog regularly despite the fact I talk to you online. :) Anyways, yeah, praise the Lord! He indeed has been awesome on the entire exchange experience, in more aspects than one. Alriggggggght! :)

December 14, 2005 12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

While i join you in thanks and praise to the Lord over your exams, i wish to also share this reminder of our true identity quoted from VantagePoint Nov-Dec 2005, p.8: "...we are 'saved and sanctified people carrying the image of God and doing His work in the world'. May this knowledge help us find our true identities in the Shepherd of our souls."

December 15, 2005 9:48 PM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

how did u manage to watch NARNIA so fast!!! i watched King Kong tho! hahahahahha alot of computer animation. but i like KONG. hehe. he's so cute n furry.

December 16, 2005 6:35 PM  

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