Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Snow White had seven falls

My best friend Timothy sent me a supposedly famous blog of Wendy. See it here at He was quite incensed by her disapproval of Christianity post on 3rd Jan. Well, i reminded him that i am under no illusions that Christianity is popular. What do you think the islamic terrorists' justification is?? Its a really long post that is controversial but i give her points for trying to restrain herself (i think it could have been a lot more angsty considering she calls herself "the real" bitchy type). What i am not happy about is why her blog is so popular? Its rather ordinary... really. But then again i realised some years ago that i am the odd one out in this world.

Seriously though, because her blog is so famous (somehow) that post alone attracted 58 posts and counting. It was really humbling to read ppl agree with her stance that Christianity is sometimes overly aggresive. I do have to agree with this point. She also touched on 'how blind faith is wrong'. This point i do have my reservations but i guess she has her reasons not to read everyone's replies with >50 comments. So i did not bother putting my views on her blog.

Basically , if we can understand from our own intellect what God's infinite wisdom is, if we can prove religion based on logic, God is no better than men. That is why faith has to be faith. That is why religion cannot be proven by our minds. But that doesnt mean that science and religion are at loggerheads as some posters strongly believe. In fact i am extremely interested in this facet of Christianity and wish Zion would do some stuff on it. In short, Creation is a better THEORY than evolution and dinosaurs can be proven. And the tower of babel story is so strongly linked with OUR chinese language. As to why God allows suffering, that is a question that really cannot be answered blithely here. (Marianne gave me a book that has a chapter on this and its really only a chapter: Hints). As to who goes to heaven is none of others business as suggested by Wendy; I give a big sigh. My father thinks that this is a judgement not reserved for men. But i guess there are issues like homosexual preists (btw Christianity is different from Catholiscm). What if George Bush is indeed an evil mass murderer of innocents? There is an important debate on Calvanists and Armenians here that i can also provide in a readable chapter. There are some hard and fast rules like believing and confessing our sins but frankly i am not the strongest believer in all encompassing grace. NOTE: this does not mean i believe that we can be saved by works. That is why i sigh, its complicated, which is the point about logic and faith.

All in all, the point i was trying to make was i feel so helpless when i read all the remarks on xiaxue's blog. There is so much to do, but the world is beginning to hate the christians who try. Where do we draw the line? May God guide all of us. Especially those who read my blog. And yes, that is the best reason why my blog is better than her's.

Dear Soveriegn God,
We apologise for all our sin in the world and plead earnestly for your mercy. You did not promise our lives to be free from the valley of the shadow of death, but we know we can always trust you to comfort us in our trials. We pray that it is your will to touch more lives that now so vehemently persecute you and crave for a God who they can relate to. May you in your time be real to them and touch their hearts as you alone can change their deeply rooted mindsets.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Hmm, controversial. Somewhat...arguable.
***can't believe the number of comments nearly tripled since you put this blog up***

i'm actually relieved that someone had the courage to post the issue of how Christians (in general) try to impose faith on everyone. Though i'm having conflicting emotions about the other issues she addressed, i'm totally fascinated by this one.

Being a Christian myself, i find myself wondering, is there a "right religion"? I admit, there is something special with our religion, but who am i to say, since i've never really immersed myself in other religions... so really, who are we to impose our faith on other people? I do agree that we should keep our faith in the community growing, but we really should adopt a more passive stance. Because in the end, doesn't it really depends on the individual?

Since that at least a good proportion of the world knows the existance of Christianity, shouldn't we devote more energy teaching those who are willing to go out to learn about Christianity and its various facets than preaching than blatantly advertising a specific church and its activities on the corner of a sidewalk in order to entice people (not slandering any specific churches here)? What's worse (taking advantage of xia xue's blog) they're actually people who would preach the word of God on the streets, and do it in such an incorrect manner, that they would actually produce the reverse effect. My conclusion: Preaching should just be left to the preachers, or anyone somewhat higher in the religious hierarchy.

Not trying to stir up more controversy here, just relieved that i can get this off my chest, because this really has been a big issue that's been clouding my thoughts mainly, about some churches and its methods of indoctrination of its new members. Thanks in advance, abel, if you decide to post this comment.

January 05, 2005 4:39 PM  

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