Thursday, December 16, 2004

101 tips to be a tipster

Singaporean Tip 1: Do you realise how Singaporeans obey the 'stand behind the yellow line rule" but not the yellow arrows one? When its about our own safety we play it safe, when its about letting others come out first, we cant be bothered. Which really speaks volumes for our decorum levels. Isnt it really faster for both sides if the alighting passengers didnt have to budge and squirm their way out of the train!? Are we all SO in a rush or just plain discourteous, selfish people. Everytime i have waited at the sides these few days i feel alone and stupid. But watching the rest of the people bungle their way in only to have to stand anyway is really rather amusing. But all that weaving and contorting in a so called world class transport system is really rather ironic. A bunch of cavemen using gas lit fires. haha.
Daily Tip 1: When you cant remember your password to anything, try double checking your username. It might not be the password that is incorrect.
Christmas Tip 1: Dont buy shaking singing Christmas trees. Its the 11th commandment. God would clearly have been irked too.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Singaporean explanation 1: People are not so much in a hurry as having a phobia of being wedged between the fast closing train doors.

Daily explanation 1: That's if you don't forget your username too.

Christmas explanation 1: I'm interested to find out the price of the elusive singing tree. That'll be the price of the true meaning of christmas hmm?

December 17, 2004 10:13 AM  

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