Tuesday, December 14, 2004

G for Galilao Galilei

I bought a Galileo thermometer while on holiday. Frankly i find it really intriguing. But always too expensive. Until i saw a cheap A$2 replica one. Its kind of pathetic really compared to the really scientific looking ones. But hey, i was still proud to own one. Until i read the accompaying information slip. Spelling errors have been included for effect. "Galileo Buoyancy thermometer: No preoise date can be attributed to the inventionof the themrmometer, although it is ... " Fortunately, the rest of the historical background has less mistakes.
The explanation is quite good.. really. " ....it is based on simple physical laws (Archimedes principle) A body which is floating in a fluid sinks with an increase of temperature since the specific density of the fluid decreases in reverse, a fall in temperature leads to an increase in specific density, causing the body to rise." I am sure nuclear physicists have no problem understanding that. It continues, "In Galileo's thermometer temperatures are marked on small discs attached to potentially floating spheres. The lowest floating spheres. The lowest floating ball tells the temperature." So where in that paragraph did the balls come in?
Having concluded that i bought a fake one probably made in China, i am getting suspicious that it does not tell the temperature but merely how cheapskate one can be. When i grow up, i am getting the real thing (photos to be included), either that, or spend the money going to Malacca for my honeymoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

The $2 is for the historical background explanation lah.

December 17, 2004 2:46 AM  

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