Tuesday, December 21, 2004

lawn mawer

I went with my australian college friends to a chinese restaurant in Raffles Place for dinner yesterday. Apparently, from the newspaper cut out pasted at the front door: 'the must try is their thick fish maw soup.' So, as can be expected with Abel on the scene, the whole night was a lenghty punning session on the word maw. This was also due to the fact that no one really knew what maw was. Well, like all good Singaporeans, we ate what others tell us to. As the waitress evenly distributed the fish maw soup into our individual bowls,
Abel: "The last bowl usually gets MORE!"
Jason:" But in this case, they all have MAW". hahaha. It got to the point where Suyen asked "anyone wants to order more?" And we all started laughing. AH.. Maw puns welcomed.
Jokes aside, chambers dictionary defines maw as the jaws throat or stomach of a voracious animal. Wonder if a fish is really a voracious animal? Macmillan uses it in a literary way as well, meaning 'something that seems to open up and suck you in completely'. e.g the giant maw of show business. But then thinks it can also refer to the mouth. Thus, i am still entirely confused on what thick fish maw soup is really made of, but more importantly, it did taste good. More maw anyone?


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