Sunday, January 09, 2005

King of Hearts

I think by now everyone has heard the joke about the woman who goes to heaven and upon observing a road sweeper given a mansion on top of a hill thinks she will get a much larger bungalow with a river view. Instead she is shown her accomodation, which turns out to be a pitiful hut.
" Why?" She inquires.
" I have been successful in life and have not been ultra evil like some tyrants of those countries. Don't i deserve better?"
"Well," replies Saint Peter, " With the amount you gave the church, its a miracle we could build this hut for you."
Only problem while i was relating this to my parents was that Shaun asked the very insightful question "So how much did she give?"
Indeed, this might not exactly be the point of this illustration, but then again, maybe its the crux of the issue. How much is too little? Is anyone capable of contributing enough? Its a good thing that there will be no favoritism in heaven, or else we might all be heart broken with our huts.
Why this arose though was because my pastor gave another insightful joke along this line.
A man goes to heaven and sees that a bus driver is given a beautiful mansion to stay in for eternity. However, he is only awarded a ramshackle, yes, you guessed it, hut.
Being a normal human being, he complains.
"But Saint Peter, I am a pastor and a leader who has contributed to the community and the church, why does this reckless bus driver deserve better than myself?"
"Its really quite simple actually," says the Saint.
"Every time you preach people sleep, but when that man drives, the passengers pray."
I wonder what my brother would ask if he heard this. It might be the hut of the matter.


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