Monday, August 13, 2007

7 random green bottles sitting on the wall.

Unbelievably my gf tagged me.

1. I saw a pink unicorn outside my house when i was young (5 yrs). When i told my parents to come look, they were too snail-paced and it (pinky) ran away. Because no one believed me up till now it has had a profound impact on my life and mental development. This is why i am usually disturbed and frequently deranged.

2. I do not find it hard to be random in thought and speech most of the time. Unless i am asked to write 7 random stuff/things about myself. My whole world is a randomized chaos that putting structure to randomness goes against the very grain of my being.

7. I am listing random facts of myself in non-numerical order. This is because stating random traits of onself in strict chronological order appears too much like an irony to me.

4. Whenever someone says the word "oxymoron", the first thing that pops in my mind is natural makeup. This might or might not be because "oxy" is a brand of pimple cream. The next thing that pops into my head is "this guy (the person i am having the conversation with) is a moron". This has nothing to do with the fact of whether that person is really stupid or not. It might however be related to whether the person has pimples.

6. I like the word "Nincompoop". People that study Freud would think that i like this word because i am fixated in the anal stage of development. They would be completely erroneous. I am fixated in the oral stage.

3. People that think psychology is all about Freud and sex are nincompoops and morons.

5. I know what the world's largest rodent is (George Bush). And i also know how to spell die-ria. And stop thinking of a pink unicorn you nincompoop. People might think you are crazy. Trust me.


Blogger Fudge in mouth said disgustingly...

Take a deep sigh everyone, and then smile patiently at Abel. -Lou

August 13, 2007 10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Sorry Lou, I can't help but laugh.
Abel, you are entertaining.

August 14, 2007 1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

now THAT was seriously funny. Abel just made my day, which out of sheer randomness, started with a seriously bad die-ria. Haha


August 14, 2007 10:26 AM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

hey, can you tell pinky to stop hanging around outside my house?? you are so random, you give random a bad reputation.

August 14, 2007 5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...


August 15, 2007 4:56 PM  

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