Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Donate to Exam Relief

I have just finished my first paper which was psychology 201. Unfortunately there was just too much to remember. I really might have to play chess for a living. Problem is i am wasting time playing in exams instead of studying chess. hahaha.
There is a theory in cognition that is called recognition failure of recallable words. Basically its easier to recognise a word on a memory list (Or take MCQs) than to do a free-recall (aka short answer questions). However, this is not always the case. Participants are instructed to remember capital words in strange word pairs like glue-CHAIR and ground-COLD and then took a recognition test on the capitalized words. They failed to recognize many words but when presented with the cues like glue - they could recall words they failed to recognise at the start. My only question is, who in the world can remember an effect called recognition failure of recallable words? Why not, if they are researchers on memory cues, call something a little more distinct like the glue -CHAIR effect? Which shows that memory constraints also involve stupid naming. In a study by Oh 2005, results showed that confusing names of theories regarding memory did not aid memory for the memory theories.


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