Thursday, April 28, 2005

A Drilling Conversation

I went to a psychology lecture recently on 'Broader Ethical Issues'. If what the lecturer was covering wasnt "broad" and vast enough, there was the issue of the drilling going on in the background. I believe it was definitely a violation of my ethical rights. Its rather hard to describe a drill sound in words, but i thought i would just use some form of onomatopoeia. In the same way 'drrrr,drrrr' doesnt resemble a sound from a drill, onomatopoeia does not really resemble an English word. The number of letter 'o's in there could very well rival a breakfast cereal. Having justified that, we can move on from the minor details to my major irritations during lecture with an illustration.
" Particular groups drrrrrrr.... of children... drrr drrrr... are psychologically safe...." Great, i think many would agree i do not qualify. Looking at the powerpoint slides reveals that research into certain groups of people like children must consider their physical, emotional and psychological safety.
"Parents ddrrrrr.... usually have.... drrr.... challenging behaviour..."(Preferable for parents to be present when testing kids with ADD, autism). I was getting a real kick from not looking at slides and just listening to comic remarks now.
I must say the drilling was kind of strategic, as if the construction worker had a strong dislike for my psychology class. "Tendency drrr... for minority groups... have drrrr.... other deficits..." Which actually was a point about not to confound deficits of minority groups, like those with physical disabilities. For instance the extent a hearing deficit affects memory on a certain test. All this while, my lecturer strained to speak louder during the drilling intervals, which of course worked as well as the Middle East peace talks.
Almost unbelievably, i am going to link this with a relationship with God. In the Purpose Driven Life by pastor Rick Warren, page 87 , it states 'Friendship with God is built by sharing all your life experiences with him" (Yes, its in italics in the book itself). The truth is that if we do not include him in 'every activity, every conversation and every thought', our relationship with God is like a lecture with 'drill bits'. Inviting God to be part of everything in our lives helps us stay aware of his presence. Telling Him parts will only sound untruthful and farcical to our God that reads the slides of our lives.

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Psalm 145:18.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

nicely said!

April 29, 2005 10:17 AM  

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