Saturday, June 04, 2005

Tired of Memory

At first i thought that God had multiplied my time, then i realised that my watch had stopped.
Its not exactly a bad thing that God gave me time to laugh at myself. He knew i needed a break. As a result of this bleak humour, i became rather thankful about actually having a watch in the first place. As well as knowing the other time my watch spoiled in Singapore i had a great uncle to fetch me to some secluded place to claim my warranty.
Furthermore, i still have another two watches to wear. One of which was given by my parents when i went to army. The other given by my friends at the airport when i came to Perth. Sometimes its good to have your watch stop. You realise what really lasts a lifetime.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

how interesting to see that a literal stop in time aids reflection.

June 04, 2005 7:36 AM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

After meeting ur brother- i see how time has stalled for u. haha... u're exactly like him. just in a bigger body. *grins*

June 07, 2005 11:02 AM  

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