Friday, November 02, 2007

Regeneration of the Rib. Did Adam's Rib Grow Back?

Dr Carl Wieland, director of Creation Ministries recently gave a talk in church and i found a website that states what he said. I am wondering if anyone can quantify if this is true. I have tried searching surgical journals and i am quite sure that the rib can kind of grow back but its not really on the topic of rib regrowth specifically.


I had a series of operations to reconstruct various parts of me, particularly the bones of my face.
These operations often required using my own bone for grafting. I noticed that the plastic surgeon would keep going back to the right side of my ribcage, through the same horizontal scar, actually, to get more bone for these procedures.
One day, I asked him why he hadn't 'run out of bone'. He looked at me blankly, and then explained that he and his team took the whole rib out, each time. 'We leave the periosteum intact, so the rib usually just grows right back again.'
Despite having trained and practiced as a family doctor, I was intrigued; I had never realized this before. The periosteum (the literal meaning of this word is 'around the bone') is a membrane that covers every bone—it's the reason you can get things stuck between your teeth while gnawing on a leg of lamb, for instance.
The periosteum contains cells that can manufacture new bone. Particularly in young people, 'rib periosteum has a remarkable ability to regenerate bone, perhaps more so than any other bone'.
Thoracic (chest) surgeons routinely remove ribs, and these often grow back, in whole or in part. A lot depends on the care with which the rib is removed; it needs to be 'peeled' out of its periosteum to leave this membrane as intact as possible.
A major reason why the rib is the ideal situation for such regeneration is that the attached intercostal muscles provide it with a good blood supply. When the surgeon originally told me this, my immediate thought was—'Wow, that's really neat, Adam didn't have to walk around with a defect!' -- this last part kind of sums up the main beauty of this whole idea. That God's design is of such a wonderful nature and still has implications for modern times.

The website compiles 2 other places where he finds mention of people saying that after surgery they were informed that their rib bone can grow back. But he admits that the evidence is surprisingly few.
But i guess God could just have used any part of Adam's body to make Eve and doesnt a lot of other places regenerate? Ok i guess maybe not like the eye or the tongue or something but dont a lot of bones repair themselves? I think the special properties of the rib should be better quantified and i was hoping maybe someone could shed light on this issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Sorry...No orthopedist in the house.

November 05, 2007 10:28 PM  
Blogger Martin said disgustingly...

This comment has been removed by the author.

June 03, 2010 7:05 PM  
Blogger Martin said disgustingly...

Take a look here - looks genuine enough!

June 03, 2010 7:09 PM  

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