Saturday, November 24, 2007

No Betting, just beating

I (AO) always wanted to see if i could beat the soccer pundits at predicting scores. Of course they do it so that others can possibly make a quick buck but heres me having a go against Today Newspapers' Kenneth Goh (KG) and David Ngiau (DN).

For exact score accuracy, lets do it the soccer way with 3 points awarded. A correct prediction of the correct team to win/ lose or draw will be given 1 point.

Saturdays matches.
Birmingham vs Porstmouth -- KG: 1-1, DN: 1-0, AO: 1-2. I just feel that portsmouth have too much in attack. KG and DN look at history but Birmingham are too poor sometimes to rely on history to help them. Final Score 0-2, KG (0), DN (0), AO (1).
Bolton vs Man Utd -- KG: 0-1, DN: 1-1, AO: 1-3. United are scoring freely and just when you think a narrow win is on the cards they usually turn up trumps. Final Score 1-0, KG (0), DN (0), AO (0). This was the weekends surprise.
Arsenal vs Wigan -- KG: 2-1, DN: 2-0, AO: 2-0. Wigan to score? They couldnt do it against Spurs so... Arsenal have some injuries so the scoreline remains slightly modest. Final Score 2-0, KG (1), DN (3), AO (3).
Man City vs Reading -- KG: 0-2, DN: 1-1, AO: 2-1. I think they are giving Reading too much credit. They can score with Doyle and Kitson but they rely too much on hard running and against a technically sounder City its curtains. Final Score 2-1, KG (0), DN (0), AO (3). Got really lucky with this score. 94th min winner by Stephen Ireland.
Derby vs Chelsea -- KG: 0-2, DN: 0-2, AO: 0-3. Dont need to be conservative. I know in betting its a 1.5 goal handicap but Chelsea should win easily. Final Score 0-2, KG(3), DN (3), AO (1). The late kickoff was kind to my opponents but i still won this week's challenge.
Everton vs Sunderland -- KG: 2-0, DN: 1-1, AO: 1-1. I have a feeling Sunderland will tiger their way to a hard fought draw here. But it will be close. Expected this to be the surprise upset. But was SO WRONG. Final Score 7-1, KG (1), DN (0), AO (0).

Final score for this week KG (5), DN (6), AO (8). There were certain matches i abstain from because of bias like Liverpool and Spurs. And the rest i just got tired of typing. But in the final assessment i can hold my own against KG and DN and look forward to challenging them again next week. Any comments on the scoring system? Not sure if its fair.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Most importantly, Chelsea won!

December 05, 2007 8:11 PM  

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