Monday, August 27, 2007

Abel is stressed -- no i lie.

I recently saw this on Marianne's blog.
The most dangerous of all men are those that believe their own lies.some say that over time the truth comes out. that depends on the skill and intelligence of the liar.the fortitude it takes to continue a lie is enormously taxing and emotionally draining. it can sap you of all emotional enjoyment. it is consuming to maintain it. lying is the human addiction to self aggrandisement and the paranoia of being exposed as fraudulent.there is the error of omission and the error of commission. the first purposeful and left out with purposeful forethought. beware of the "error" of omission.
Yes she was mad about someone/something but having read it, i couldnt help myself. I had to comment. The following passage would probably make her post something on insensitivity next which will be a thinly veiled attack on me. So i hearby apologise first. As a form of apology i will post the remainder of this in her favourite colour orange.
Thats why its best to never say anything truthful. So that when everything you say is a lie people cannot say you are lying because they cannot compare it with anything that you said before which turned out to be true.
'The most dangerous of all men are those that believe their own lies' --False, The most dangerous of all men are those that believe their own lice.
'some say that over time the truth comes out. that depends on the skill and intelligence of the liar'. False again, The truth only comes out when the person being lied to, finds out. When they suspect something is up, it is then best to change the lie totally.Disguise the new lie with rhyming words for added confusion factor that makes a lie cool and un-vulnerable to being found out. E.g. "I never said i had that book, i said i will take a look!"
'the fortitude it takes to continue a lie is enormously taxing and emotionally draining. it can sap you of all emotional enjoyment. it is consuming to maintain it'. False too, embellishing sentences with highfalutin phrases makes sentences grandoise and charming. This can be extremely enjoyable. Politicians do it all the time, and its not considered lying. Remember what your parents said, practice makes perfect! So lie through your teeth, and in your sleep, and it wont be taxing no more!
'lying is the human addiction to self aggrandisement and the paranoia of being exposed as fraudulent'. Nonsense! Do not believe all this Freudian hearsay; lying is actually the evolutionary adaptation men developed to cope with their wives.
'there is the error of omission and the error of commission. the first purposeful and left out with purposeful forethought. beware of the "error" of omission'. Dont believe this weak argument. Everyone knows the fact about the error of permission: this means that everyone is permitted to err on the safe side, which usually involves lying. Also, the error of remission: this states that lying is pardonable as long as you lie with a truthful face.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Abel, Abel. I have no such reaction. You post, however, provides amusement. 1) The fact that you think posting in orange will placate me. 2)You "couldn't help yourself". You see, only dogs and babies can't help themselves when they have to go, they go.

btw, it was with uttermost calmness I made that post, the maddness having subsided a long time ago. I just thought it was apt.

August 28, 2007 10:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Hahaa... when I read the first part of this post, I thought Abel was going to provide some good arguments...


August 29, 2007 10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Oh my goodness. I hope im not being partial (or a liar) when i say this is FANTASTIC writing! Totally enjoyed it. This should be in a magazine, though i reckon the font wont be in orange. -Lou

August 29, 2007 9:00 PM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

For you special, my love, -- free lies.As reward for liking my post. You are so beautiful and sweet.

August 29, 2007 9:06 PM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

!!! haha... okay i was laughing like a crazy woman (i lie not) when i read this. Cannot believe. i thought your argument was going to be sane.

August 31, 2007 5:14 PM  

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