Friday, May 04, 2007

More combination writing...

Introduction: I start a story of “equivalence” or if you choose to be pedantic, “equivalent”. What is equivalent to equivalent? What is equivalent to “ludicrous”. A laughable word play or can we manage to spin a yarn? This is our aim in the short tale:


They are so alike, she thought to herself. Not just in their serious, probing and earnest way of looking at people and the little- to- nil hand gesturing that many people were prone to do whilst talking. Those can be mutually adopted. They even share the same small eyes, aquiline nose, strawberry blond hair, medium tanned skin and raspy voice. The only difference was in the dressing. But of course, the rest of it was unbelievable. They could be siblings, even twins.

“They tested before getting married.” Monique the secretary had sidled up to her, and with the equivalent of a blink, had slinked off. There must be a reason that secretaries have the word “secret” in them. They have a way of knowing things first. Or maybe it’s because of their corresponding capacity to read minds. And their way of managing secrets- both inborn and exquisite. The whole world gets told in good fashion and no one or everyone gets hurt. There’s no in-between there or there is no point to telling it out.

It’s usual when couples laugh it off when people tell them how much they are growing to look like each other. And with a secret side-glance and an “Oh my goodness. Do I really…? I mean, have I really…?” This couple has taken a step towards commitment with a little more intensity, it seems.

To be Continued by Abel…


Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

MAN! apparently it's not scientifically proven that couples grow to look like each other right! it'll be quite scary. Maybe other people just see them together too often thats why their eyes kinda play tricks on them. but i agree that owners look like their dogs. seriously! for some reason, they all do. in a weird way.

May 05, 2007 12:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

hahah. Yah man I think you're right about the dogs.
Are you growing to look like Jean?

sigh... i wouldnt mind looking like any dog. I want one!


May 05, 2007 9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

i miss ur dog louise.. thou i can't remember his name.. i still have his photo in my computer! that white little furball..

May 10, 2007 12:17 PM  

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