Friday, April 20, 2007


Part 1: on the outside
name : Abel
date of birth : The day the world mourned
current status : healthy but irritated
eye color : The eye consists of many colours, pls make your question less ambiguous
hair color : pink with orange swirls
right of left handed : You think you were born right?
zodiac : The king of the beasts is the crab

Part 2: on the inside
my heritage : long
my fear : fear itself
my weakness : shoulders
my perfect pizza : a cheap one

Part 3: yesterday, today & tomorrow
your first thought waking up : why do i have to?
tomorrow : is the 21st of April
your bedtime : is none of anyones business
most missed memory : How can a memory be missed? Its called nostalgic moment or most relived memory. Who came up with this questionnaire anyway, a Martian? Trying to probe us human beings eh??!?!

Part 4: your pick
pepsi or coke : soya bean
mcD or burger king : Burger King, cos Macs makes me lethargic for a day
adidas or nike : Adidas cos i buy soccer boots. And nike's ones just look flashy but is mainly SQWADOOSH!
lipton tea or nestea : teh ping
chocolate or vanila : A dsylexik Martion are we now?
cappuccino or coffee : Cappuccino is classified under coffee DUH!?!?!?

Part 5: do you..
smoke : Smoke out!!
curse : Doing it right now at this utter waste of my time questions.

Part 6: in the past month -- HELLO? LAZY DYSLEXIC MARTIAN! wheres the "have you"?
drank alcohol : Not in its pure form
gone to the mall? : Mall flanders
been on stage : Life is just a stage
eaten sushi : sushi belushi

Part 7: what were you doing
1 minute ago : writing "sushi belushi" DUH!!!!
1 hour ago : doing something more useful with my life
4 1/2 hours ago : doing something more useful with my life
1 month ago : doing something more useful with my life
1 year ago : Having a useful life

Part 8: finish the sentence
i love : finishing this sentence
i feel : feelings
i hate : this
i hide : under The Lord's wings
i miss : Louise
i need : to stop doing this crap

Part 9: Tag 5 people!
1. C.S Lewis
2. David Beckham
3. Rocky the Alsatian Dog
4. My Fairy Godmother
5. Stewie from the Family Guy


Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

eh! you're absolutely redundant lah abel. imaginary dyslexic martian all. =p the jobs post is pretty hilarious. what about teachers? "huh? you are a teacher ah? grow taller leh!"

April 20, 2007 11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

I hope for your sake that the martians get your point. For all you know they ,may have no insight too. -Lou

April 21, 2007 1:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

I personally liked the " I hate: this" one. -Lou

April 21, 2007 1:51 PM  

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