Thursday, April 26, 2007

Point of Information

"Wouldnt it be nice if the world was cadbury" -- No, it wouldn't. Everything will be all gooey and sticky and no one would be able to walk properly to get to anywhere. Anything you touch will melt and stick to every single part of your body. Anyone that remotely likes chocolate will get really sick of it and there wouldn't be any water to drink because all there will be are chocolate fountains. So everyone is dying of the most horrible drying thirst. If people do survive the short term, everyone has diabetes and can only eat more chocolate that will only make the disease worse and increase the suffering. Bleah. What a terrible existence. Wouldn't it be nice if the world were Brussel sprouts!

Just tried Kit Kat's caramel fudge temptations and i must say it still doesn't change my opinion that all these "chocolate hybrids" are just never as good as the original.


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