Saturday, January 06, 2007

One for the new year!

As i declared on Mishi's blog that i have A (YES ONLY ONE!!) new year resolution; here it is.
1.(and only 1.) Eat slower, digestion begins at the mouth.
I think i eat really fast. And i am beginning to feel the effects of indigestion as my age also catches up on me. FYI, this is also Louise's resolution for the year.
I only have one resolution because if i make too many i never keep them. I had the resolution 'to take over the world' for a few years now and still i am stuck in annonymity. Usually i make the resolution in jan, stop doing it in feb and stop trying in march. Although some may argue that its more like stop doing it on the 3rd of jan and forget it on the 5th.
However, this new and IMPROVED resolution is easier to keep cos other people can help me by reminding me while i am eating in the midst of them. So hopefully i will finally take over the world this year, er.. i mean eat slower.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Haha. yes it is easier for me to stand by my man now that his dream is not to take over the world.-Lou

January 06, 2007 12:02 PM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

HAHA, taking over the world always reminds me of pinky and the brain. so i'll tell charles to eat ur food whilst u eat slower?? haha. digestion... i'm teaching that in biology now. eww.

January 08, 2007 6:37 PM  

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