Tuesday, March 28, 2006


"I like you, but i dont like your wife".

In the movie 'Gladiator', which is hopefully not that long ago that people do not remember it, there was a scene where Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix) says morbidly that he ' is vexed' because Maximus (Russell Crowe) is still alive. This is one of my favourite scenes in the movie ( the rest are all the fighting sequences :) [smiley plus close bracket -- as invented by Abel] ; mainly because thats the first and last? time i have heard the word used in a movie. I always smile when i see that scene. By the way i have watched it 5 times. If anyone wants to borrow the VCD you need only ask.
However, on a more serious note, i think a very poignant moment in the movie is when Commodus kills his father, Marcus Aurelius (no idea who acted). Just to refresh your memories or if you arnt in this generation of movies , the scene runs something like this.
Commodus tells his version of receiving a letter from his dad that listed 4 chief virtues. They were wisdom , justice, fortitude and temperance. He then says something to this effect " As i read the list i knew i had none of them.. but i have other virtues father, like ambition, resourcefulness, courage -- perhaps not on the battlefield but there are many forms of courage, devotion to family.. I realised that none of my virtues were on the list. Its like you didnt want me for your son. "
In the end, out of pity for himself that he wasnt chosen to become emperor, he suffocates his father using his chest; saying something like this in the process " All i ever wanted was to please you, to make you proud... I would butcher the whole world, if you would only love me."
I think the saddest part though is the fact that his dad kneels down and confesses that "Your faults as a son is my failure as a father." Which probably would piss any son off. I feel most people would agree that Phoenix acted this scene with much aplomb. It was like you felt his agony of wanting to be accepted but in the end he resorted to murdering his own dad. And all the action was unfolding while the topic was familial love.
Its a great thing that our heavenly father gives us unconditional grace and love.

"Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love" (1 John 4:7b-8)


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