Friday, August 19, 2005

The people posting on this blog would like to send our sincerest apologies to our lack of posts in recent weeks. The problem is my internet keeps cutting off when i am using my laptop and Louise has been busy with her new job.
Also, due to recent events on the strike by British Airways, i have decided to change my flight to Northwest Airlines. However, this means i will be leaving for Canada on the 26th of August, this friday. It is also kind of good news for me as i am tired of sending emails and settling administration and am finally delighted to be able to see the fruit of my form-filling labour.
Having explained this on sms to my Singaporean friends and asking them to meet me for dinner sometime next week, i received strange replies.
Mark wrote : "Finally, a good strike"
And Derrick exclaimed :" Haha, first hand experience of European trade union intransigience."
Which finally allows me to conclude that i am not as wierd as i suspected. Or, not as wierd as some of my friends.
I have included a post of ugly stuff toys to illustrate my point. Although in outwardly appearence, some may be more comical than others, its what is inside of all of us that ultimately makes us cuddly.


Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

hey i used to think u were weird... now i think its ur friends- they're really weird. that doesn't include myself.

August 22, 2005 4:38 PM  

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