Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Reckless Abandonment

I have never been a very trusting person. It comes with the good looks. After a while, you never really know whether people want to be your friend to get popular or because they really bother about you.
HAHAHA. What nonsense. But i do admit that i do not trust and rely on others very much. Sometimes its the self-reliant, blaze your own trail world view that prevents me from trusting in God as well. I still believe that sometimes God gave you a brain and friends around you to help you through tough times, but i am also becoming more confident that putting your trust fully in God's hands is just as reliable.
This comes after i read a few books and realised that as long as people are in tune with God's plans, their prayers and requests will be answered positively. So often, people decide to become more practical instead of more trusting in God because we think 'God helps those who helps themselves'. We erroneously take that to mean that we must go do everything in our power first and then when all our efforts fail, God will see that we have tried and then deliver us.
However, i think we should 'help ourselves' by putting our faith in God first before doing anything, however big or insignificant. As we walk closer to him, we will soon realise his plans for the world, others and ourselves. Only then will we develop the confidence to put our faith totally in Him. We will also no doubt find that when our lives are in sync with God, our petitions will be confirmed and helped out. This is because we are using God's highway and no longer bashing around aimlessly with our pitiful human endeavours. This in turn allows us to continue trusting in God more.
Which is why i think i should post something like this. It probably will not win any blogger awards (Singapore has been going on endlessly about the blogger convention) because its not about social dysfunction. Anyone who knows me well will probably concede that i am hardly the person to be inspirational and enlightening but i do trust that God will help you understand His truths in His own way.


Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

haha... sometimes u think... how hard can reckless abandonment be? it's in practice the hardest thing u can ever do. wow. Such grace we need to trust in the lord and lean not on our own understanding.

July 21, 2005 9:59 PM  

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