Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Poor man, Rich God

I am sure everyone has come across the financial planning book 'Poor Dad, Rich Dad', or something to that effect. I am quite certain that there is now one called 'Poor Kid, Rich Kid' as well. I wonder if there is a principle in the book telling one to get 'rich' by milking a profitable idea? Before you know it, there will probably be a title in the same series called 'Poor Social Elite, Rich Social Elite' and possibly 'Poor Beggar, Rich Beggar'. Now then, the books are great, i hope they help tonnes of people manage their personal finances better. Problem is, its not for skeptical people like me.
Therefore, i need God to quell my skepticism. During my very recent trip back to Singapore, my mum and I helped Louise take certain of her things back. As Louise was returning to Singapore for good, she needed us to carry 2 boxes for her while she struggled with another 2 suitcases on another flight. On my flight, my mum was allowed a maximum weight of 20kg but I, being a student, was permitted 30kg. We managed to stuff one of Louise's boxes into my mum's luggage which amounted to 26kg during check in. Mine wieghed 19kg, and the solitary box came up to 14kg. As we had to weigh them one at a time in front of the counter, a quick calculation by me (yes, i am able to do the multiples of 7), made my heart even quicker than my counting. Which by all counts was not exactly very fast.
The fact was, after minimal trial and error of mathematical summation, we were around 11kg overweight. My mum always admits to being fat, but she is definitely not that much over the scale. It was at this point of me trying to calculate the amount of overweight load that we had to pay that the counter staff said cheerfully, 'You just made it'.
Which brought an equally bright smile from my mum who replied 'thanks', but only a wry smile from me because the distractions had wrecked my multiplication tables.
This episode taught me 3 precious lessons. Firstly, its a wonderful thing when God answers prayers in this way. All along for a couple of days, the 3 of us had been praying for a smooth check-in. I was more worried for Louise however, cos i thought that with the help of my mum, my check-in would be less of a hassle. My second pointer is never to trust my hand weighing method again. I need some financial planning to save up for a proper weighing scale.
I joyously believe that God made the man temporarily inattentive to wrongly conclude that my mum also had 30kg for her luggage. Louise also had 10kg too heavy luggage bags but managed to sneak past despite some grudging counter workers. Whatever the case, we would all have been much poorer man and women if not for a very 'rich' God.


Blogger blueblood said disgustingly...

amen to that. we have a rich God to back us up always.

*sigh* girls will be girls. When they go for studies, the amount of stuff they bring is like they are going for a fashion show and never coming back again.

July 21, 2005 1:35 PM  
Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

Amen! we are heirs to his riches and glory! haha, and whats that abt the fashion show thing!! hmm

July 21, 2005 9:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

I feel that I ought to defend myself and my gender. But well, guys will be guys in making such sweeping statements..-Lou

July 24, 2005 10:43 PM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

Hey people, this is a post about God's abundant love not about women's amount of clothes la.
I think everyone seems to accumulate tonnes of stuff actually. Like i currently have 3 soccer balls in Perth. hahaha. And 4 pairs of street soccer shoes in Singapore.

July 25, 2005 9:00 AM  
Blogger psyencex said disgustingly...

oh issit.

i came back to singapore with 2 yrs worth of stuff.... 18kg

July 25, 2005 6:47 PM  

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