Monday, October 22, 2007

Maybe we are all Crazy

I have a BBQ for my Cognitive Psych people this sunday as organised every sem by our Prof. Heres the invitation i got via email today.
"Dear lab folks:
As I am sure none of you has forgotten, the all-important and excessively exciting lab BBQ is being held this coming Sunday, commencing at 5pm.
As usual, we will be providing hamburgers and limited drinks.... hopefully you folks can bring a few more bottles of whatever you wish to drink. Also, nibbles, salads, desserts etc would be welcome. Maybe you can coordinate?
As always, the invitation extends to partners, kids, and any toilet trained pets smaller than sperm whales. For reasons of crowd control, I'd appreciate an RSVP by Thursday.
Here are the directions (the first 2 of which seem exceedingly irrelevant to me):

(1) If you arrive by golf cart, ask Leo (the research assistant and also part-time pro golf player) how to get here, then climb back fence.
(2) If you arrive by bike, it's 34.2 km from the main door Psych Bldg via King's Park and bike path along F'wy into my garage. Aim for an average of 25.2 km/h. If you are faster, don't tell me (Thats because the Prof cycles to work sometimes).
(3) If you arrive by road (and thence gate to left of house):"
Directions omitted for sake of discretion.

I have this theory that all psychologists beyond honours level are nuts. Like they are only studying the subject to cure themselves. HAHA. I guess my pet Walrus,Walter, qualifies to be brought along now. And he is much better on land than a whale.


Blogger Mishi said disgustingly...

is ur walrus toilet trained?

October 23, 2007 12:47 AM  
Blogger efarmer said disgustingly...

Very much so my walrus is toilet trained but sometimes his tusks tend to smash things.

October 23, 2007 3:13 PM  

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