Monday, October 15, 2007

Speaking of Translations

愛, 很簡單(陶喆)

忘了是怎麼開始 也許就是對你有一種感覺 忽然間發現自己 以深深愛上你 真的很簡單 愛的地暗天黑都已無所謂 是是非非無法決擇 沒有後悔為愛日也去跟隨 那個瘋狂人是我 喔 I LOVE YOU 無法不愛你 BABY 說你也愛我 I LOVE YOU 永遠不願意 BABY 失去你 不可能更快樂 只要能在一起 做什麼都可以 雖然世界變個不停 用最真誠的心 讓愛變得簡單 I LOVE YOU 我一直在這裡 一直在愛你 I LOVE YOU, OH YES I DO 永遠都不放棄 這愛你的權利 如果你還有一些困惑 OH NO 請貼 我的心傾聽 聽我說着 愛你 YES I DO 我愛你

Its only after we are not forced to study Chinese by Ultra-strict Chinese teachers do we appreciate that English is such a watered-down language compared to Mandarin. Just see the coloured parts and their so-called translations. Somehow it just sounds comical instead of romantic. I am not sure if we first took a romantic song in English, whether Mandarin could do a better job, but i suspect it would be easier.
I don't mind love's dark heaven and earth I can't choose between right and wrong . HAHAHA.
Try this yourself and you will know what i mean.
I'll use my most honest heart to let love become easy , Oh dear, this is just bad.
This phrase is just so nice in Chinese, to me.

I guess you can say they were making the English simple. But its still hilarious.


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

i cant understand a word!

October 16, 2007 6:03 PM  

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