Monday, September 19, 2005

Civilizations 9000

The title of this post has been adpated from 2 highly popular PC software -- namly Chessmaster 9000 and the strategy game Civilization which i think is in the IV-th expansion.
Having been to Niagara Falls yesterday, it was quite shocking to see the tonnes of commercialization around the awesome beauty of a God-created waterfall. It could be depressing but then most of the world is anyway. Which is why we must focus on the marvellous creation of God. Or at least try. This endeavour is made doubly hard when you can only take in a full picture of Niagara Falls with towering skyscrapers and a balloon advertisement hovering above the natural wonder.
The bus travels along "Falls avenue" which is teeming with people and commercial shops like Coca Cola and Herseys, which was a nice place in all honesty. Realise how i said "a nice place" mainly because the replica antiques from Coca-Cola are all made in China, which irritated me. However, they lose maximum points for having a Coca-Cola chess set that had a coke bottle carrying- polar bear as the king, which is sacrosanct and therefore loses my vote.
Walking around the resort -like place gave me the impression that there were around 2 casinos, 3 simulation thrill rides, 5 wax musuems and 7 haunted house attractions. Not to mention, 29 game arcades, a Ripleys BELIEVE it or not museum and a life size maze among other money spinning ventures.
I do realise its the reality of living in a world undergoing globalisation. Lets not argue about this right now, i am taking a full semester course on it. However, i did pay $13 Canadian to ride a ferry called "Maid of the Mist" into the heart of the falls. And i also spent $10 on a Journey behind the Falls through man- made tunneling. There were other attractions like walking along white water rapids and a cable car ride that i did not have enough time to go to because i got lost in the shopping milieu. They are quite extraodinary adventures and i guess to be frank, commercialization does enhance the Falls experience somewhat. However, both of my trips was made funnily ironic by the guides handing out identical raincoats that were blue and yellow in colour.
I have posted what i believe to be an interesting photo of a Hersey's Kisses chocolate seemingly falling on a "Falls" street sign. Its kind of significant of the way the search for wealth is going to flatten the world God created. But then, thankfully, God sent a rainbow that day, to remind me at least, of how He is in control of everything that is happening in this world. My thoughts for the day were poignantly summed up in an article i read on the facts of the Falls.
" The million of gallons of water that flows from the Falls every minute is enough to fill over a million bathtubs."


Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

I felt that way about alot of the places I visited. The search for authenticity in a globalised/commercialised world.
Ah well...
that's why i liked the Grand Canyon. Although there was some commericalisation it was minimal.

September 19, 2005 11:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said disgustingly...

Wow the impression I get from what you've described is that God's creation peeks out from the mass of man-made. Scary. but it really teaches us to focus on the true thing-Lou

September 19, 2005 3:40 PM  
Blogger t said disgustingly...

mm.. i concur with your observations.. the world is losing focus.. after visiting europe, i think the only christian things left about this place are the holidays. Take care bro~!

September 20, 2005 3:41 AM  

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